Status Pages

Communicate with your visitors with your sttus page, incidents, announcements etc..

  • Custom domains

    Greet your visitors with custom, friendly custom domain. You can map your own domains to your status pages and whenever your visitors access these domains, status of your website will be shown.

  • Unlimted Status pages

    Unlimited status page by Raileo gives you the freedom to create any number of status pages with any of your websites combination. All the plans comes with unlimited status pages and all the features associated with it.

  • Themes

    We have a lot of customizations in place, so that every status pages does not have to look the same. With customizations from font to color, you can create your own identity for your status page.

  • Incidents

    Create incidents, outages and maintenance announcements on your status page to communicate with your visitors. These communications will be helpful to keep your visitors on loop with your activities associated with your websites.

  • Private pages

    You can create password protected status pages and share among your team or group of visitors. These passwords protected status pages will not be accessible without the password hence the status pages will remain protected.

  • API

    We provide an awesome, easy to use API for you so that you can integrate the Raileo endpoints to your application. You can run pagespeed scans, fetch results, and include the results in your application.
